The 5 Most Thrilling US Hikes to Try Before You Die

Sunrise over Kenai Fjords National Park, Harding Icefield Trail


Imagine standing atop a mountain, feeling the cool breeze on your face while you take in the majesty of a seemingly endless panorama. That’s the euphoria of hiking. Few experiences can rival the thrill of conquering challenging trails and basking in nature’s breathtaking spectacles. In this article, we’ll introduce you to the five most exhilarating hikes in the United States.

Most of these hikes can be completed in a single day by more experienced hikers, however, if you’re looking for longer-distance hikes check out our guide on the Top 5 Long-Distance Hiking Trails.

The Thrilling Five: Top US Hikes

Hike 1: Half Dome, Yosemite National Park

Half Dome with Eastern Yosemite Valley
Half Dome with Eastern Yosemite Valley
Thomas Wolf,, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Challenge and Reward

Situated in the heart of Yosemite National Park, Half Dome offers what is widely considered to be one of the most remarkable hikes in the United States. This strenuous 14- to 16-mile round-trip trek demands a full day’s commitment, but in return, rewards hikers with jaw-dropping vistas and a deep sense of personal achievement.

Trail Overview

Embarking on the Half Dome trail, hikers will be enveloped by lush woodland while ascending a rigorous elevation gain of about 4,800 feet. This trek is no walk in the park; it calls for good physical condition, sturdy footwear, and a spirit of adventure. In particular, the trail’s last 400 feet incorporates a steep granite slope that’s navigable only by using cable handrails – an adrenaline-pumping experience that’s not for the faint-hearted.

Major Attractions

The journey to Half Dome is as thrilling as the destination itself. The first major highlight comes in the form of Vernal and Nevada Falls – two breathtaking waterfalls cascading down the rocky cliffs of the Merced River. Their thunderous roars and refreshing mists offer a sublime soundtrack and cool respite for hikers, respectively.

Further along the trail, the imposing granite formation known as Liberty Cap comes into view. Standing at approximately 7,076 feet tall, this monument of nature is a testament to the immense geological forces that sculpted Yosemite’s landscape.

At the trail’s zenith, the eponymous Half Dome awaits. This awe-inspiring granite dome, so named for its distinctive shape, rises nearly 5,000 feet above Yosemite Valley. From the summit, hikers can soak in panoramic views of the surrounding peaks and valleys. This is a moment of triumph and reflection, a communion with nature that underscores the true majesty of Yosemite National Park.

Nevada Falls, Yosemite National Park
Nevada Falls, Yosemite National Park
Lamal13, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Season and Best Time to Hike

The Half Dome trail typically opens in late May and closes around October, depending on weather conditions. Due to the high elevation and the possibility of snow, it’s crucial to check current conditions before embarking on the hike. Summertime offers longer daylight hours, making it a preferred season for many, but it also brings large crowds. To avoid congestion and experience a tranquil sunrise from the summit, consider starting your hike very early in the morning.

Safety Tips

Given the demanding nature of this hike, it’s important to adequately prepare. Bring plenty of water, sun protection, and high-energy snacks. The cables section requires gloves for a secure grip, and a headlamp or flashlight is essential if you plan on starting before sunrise or finishing after sunset. Always respect the power of nature and remember that your safety is paramount. The cables may be closed during inclement weather, so plan accordingly.

The Half Dome trail in Yosemite National Park is a truly iconic hike, embodying both the challenge and reward of outdoor adventure. With each step, it unveils the raw beauty of nature and the sheer exhilaration of conquering one of America’s most inspiring trails. If you’d like more information on the Half Dome trail, we’d recommend checking out the National Park Service’s webpage.

Hike 2: Angel’s Landing, Zion National Park

Angel’s Landing at Zion National Park
Aneta Kaluzna, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Journey to Angel’s Landing

Nestled within the breathtaking vistas of Utah’s Zion National Park, the Angel’s Landing trail is a must-experience for any serious hiker. While this 5-mile round trip might appear short at first glance, it’s a strenuous, pulse-quickening journey that requires both nerve and stamina. The hike culminates with an unforgettable panorama of Zion Canyon, a reward that resonates long after the hike is completed.

Trail Overview

From the outset, the Angel’s Landing trail demands respect. The ascent begins at the Grotto trailhead, winding along the West Rim Trail through a series of switchbacks known as Walter’s Wiggles. These 21 steep switchbacks are challenging, but they’re merely a prelude to the hike’s main event.

The final half-mile of the trail is where Angel’s Landing truly earns its reputation. This stretch navigates a narrow ridge with deep chasms on either side, featuring sheer drop-offs of up to 1,000 feet. Aided by anchored support chains, hikers carefully navigate this thrilling section to reach the trail’s summit – the “Landing” itself.

Major Attractions

The centerpiece of the Angel’s Landing hike is, of course, the summit. Named for its lofty altitude and isolated position, it’s said that only angels could land there. From this vantage point, the entirety of Zion Canyon unfolds below in a dramatic sweep of red, pink, and cream-colored sandstone cliffs set against the verdant valley floor.

Throughout the ascent, there are plenty of other sights to behold. One such spectacle is the unique plant life found along the trail. From the Cottonwood trees lining the banks of the Virgin River to the hanging gardens clinging to the sheer cliff faces, this trail offers a diverse array of vegetation and habitats.

Season and Best Time to Hike

Angel’s Landing is accessible year-round, though conditions can vary greatly depending on the season. Spring and fall offer the most comfortable temperatures and are thus the most popular times to visit. During summer, temperatures can be extreme, so if you plan to hike during this period, aim for early morning or late afternoon to avoid the midday sun. Winter hiking is possible but requires extra caution due to ice and snow along the trail, particularly on the final ridge section.

Safety Tips

The Angel’s Landing trail is not for those with a fear of heights, and safety must always be a priority. Always stay on the trail and use the support chains where provided. Sturdy hiking shoes with good grip are a must, especially in the final section where the path narrows. Plenty of water, sunscreen, and energy-boosting snacks should be included in your pack, and remember to check weather conditions before setting out.

Angel’s Landing trail encapsulates the best of Zion National Park’s rugged beauty and grandeur. Despite its challenges, or perhaps because of them, it provides an extraordinary experience that is bound to leave an indelible mark on all who conquer it.

It is important to note that permits are required to hike Angel’s Landing. More information on the trail and how to secure your permit can be found on the National Park Service’s website.

Hike 3: Kalalau Trail, Kauai, Hawaii

View from the Kalalau Trail, Kauai
Michelle Maria, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Navigating the Na Pali Coast

On the lush island of Kauai, one of the most sought-after adventures is the awe-inspiring Kalalau Trail. This formidable 22-mile round-trip journey, which traverses the verdant Na Pali Coast, is known as much for its remarkable beauty as it is for its difficulty. The journey requires strength, stamina, and resilience, but for those who rise to the challenge, the rewards are immeasurable: stunning ocean vistas, pristine secluded beaches, and the chance to witness a largely untouched slice of paradise.

Trail Overview

The Kalalau Trail begins at Ke’e Beach and takes hikers through a diverse array of landscapes, from verdant valleys to towering sea cliffs. This is a strenuous hike, with numerous ascents and descents throughout its length. The trail includes steep inclines, river crossings, and narrow ledges flanking sheer cliff drops, and it demands a good level of fitness, sure-footedness, and a cautious mindset.

Major Attractions

The Kalalau Trail is resplendent with natural wonders. There’s the sheer dramatic beauty of the Na Pali cliffs themselves, an impressive tapestry of emerald green vegetation contrasting with the azure of the Pacific Ocean. As you navigate the trail, you’ll encounter hidden valleys and gushing waterfalls, each a testament to the power and beauty of nature.

One of the trail’s main highlights is Hanak?p?’ai Beach, located two miles into the journey. Though the waters may look tempting, swimming is strongly discouraged due to dangerous rip currents. However, the beach itself is an idyllic spot to rest and marvel at the surroundings.

Upon reaching the end of the trail, you’ll be rewarded with the tranquil beauty of Kalalau Beach. Enclosed by high cliffs and dense vegetation, this secluded beach feels like a world away from civilization and offers a serene spot to relax before the return journey.

View from the Kalalau Trail, Kauai
Robert Linsdell, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Season and Best Time to Hike

While the Kalalau Trail can technically be hiked year-round, the best time to attempt it is typically during the summer months, from May to October. During this period, the weather is generally drier, which reduces the risk of slipping on muddy trails. Always check the local weather forecast before setting off, as conditions can change rapidly.

Safety Tips

Despite the allure of this beautiful and thrilling hike, it’s important to remember that the Kalalau Trail can be dangerous for inexperienced or unprepared hikers. Ensure you have the necessary equipment, including sturdy hiking boots, a rain jacket, plenty of food and water, and a map or GPS device. Furthermore, heed local advice on tides and weather conditions, particularly for the trail’s river crossings.

The Kalalau Trail is more than just a hike; it’s a journey into some of the most beautiful, untouched landscapes of the Pacific. It’s an experience that will test your limits, push your boundaries, and reward you with views that will remain etched in your memory for a lifetime.

For more info on the Kalalau Trail, check out the Hawaii State Parks’ website.

Hike 4: Bright Angel Trail, Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon National Park, Top of Bright Angel Trail

Into the Depths of the Grand Canyon

The Bright Angel Trail provides an unparalleled opportunity to experience the grandeur of the Grand Canyon from a unique vantage point: the canyon floor. This 9.5-mile journey from rim to river descends deep into the heart of one of the world’s most spectacular natural wonders, offering an up-close view of its majestic geological formations and varied wildlife.

Trail Overview

The trailhead is located near the historic Bright Angel Lodge on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. From there, the path descends gradually, weaving in and out of canyons and along cliff faces, providing spectacular views at every turn. The route is well-maintained but the descent (and subsequent ascent) can be challenging, with an elevation change of about 4,380 feet.

The trail ends at the Colorado River, where the Bright Angel Campground and Phantom Ranch provide rest and accommodation for overnight hikers. For those not staying overnight, a shorter option is to hike to Plateau Point (a 12-mile round trip from the trailhead) for a stunning view of the Colorado River.

Major Attractions

The geology of the Grand Canyon is on full display on the Bright Angel Trail. As hikers descend, they journey through different geological epochs, with each layer of rock representing millions of years of Earth’s history. Notable points of interest include the towering cliffs of Coconino Sandstone and the red layers of the Supai Group.

Several rest stops along the trail offer more than just a place to catch your breath. Indian Garden, located halfway down the trail, is a riparian oasis where hikers can rest, refill water bottles, and enjoy the shade of cottonwood trees.

Once at the bottom, the roar of the Colorado River and the tranquillity of Bright Angel Campground offer a stark contrast to the exposed rock and dizzying heights of the canyon’s upper layers.

Season and Best Time to Hike

The Bright Angel Trail is accessible all year round, though each season presents different challenges. Spring and fall offer the most comfortable temperatures, while summer can be extremely hot, especially lower down in the canyon. Winter hikers must be prepared for ice and snow at the higher elevations. Regardless of when you go, an early start is recommended due to the lack of shade on the trail.

Safety Tips

While hiking the Bright Angel Trail, it’s crucial to be prepared for the strenuous nature of the hike, particularly the uphill return journey. Adequate water and high-energy snacks are essential, as is a map of the trail. Heat exhaustion is a serious risk in summer, so sun protection and plenty of rest are important. In winter, crampons may be required due to icy conditions.

The Bright Angel Trail provides a unique opportunity to delve deep into the Grand Canyon’s geological past. The trail’s challenging nature, combined with its stunning views and rich history, make it a rewarding adventure for those who undertake the journey.

For more information on the Bright Angel Trail and the Grand Canyon National Park, we’d recommend the National Park Service’s webpage here.

Hike 5: Harding Icefield Trail, Kenai Fjords National Park

Emergency Shelter along the Harding Icefield Trail

Conquering the Icefield

At the heart of Alaska’s Kenai Fjords National Park, the Harding Icefield Trail provides an unforgettable hiking experience. This challenging 8.2-mile round-trip journey offers a profound sense of the untamed majesty of the Alaskan wilderness, presenting a world of glaciers, wildflowers, and wildlife. The trail’s crowning glory is an unparalleled view of the expansive Harding Icefield, a spectacle that captivates and humbles in equal measure.

Trail Overview

The trailhead begins near the Exit Glacier Nature Center, and from there, hikers quickly start to ascend. The trail is steep and demanding, with an elevation gain of about 1,000 feet per mile. However, a series of switchbacks helps to moderate the climb.

The trail takes hikers through dense forests and lush meadows, past gushing waterfalls and vibrant wildflowers, all the while offering inspiring views of the Exit Glacier. The culmination of the hike is the top of the trail where the magnificent Harding Icefield comes into view, a seemingly endless stretch of snow and ice that extends as far as the eye can see.

Major Attractions

As you journey along the Harding Icefield Trail, you will encounter a variety of Alaskan wildlife, including mountain goats, black bears, and a multitude of bird species. The trail also offers a visual feast of stunning landscapes, with the Exit Glacier being a primary highlight.

Once you reach the end of the trail, the Harding Icefield is the ultimate reward. This vast expanse of ice and snow covers more than 700 square miles and is a truly breathtaking sight. It’s a window into the Ice Age and offers a stark reminder of the wild and untamed beauty of our planet.

Sunrise along the Harding Icefield Trail

Season and Best Time to Hike

The Harding Icefield Trail is typically open from May through October, but the best time to hike is usually in July and August when the trail is free of snow and the weather conditions are most favorable. Keep in mind that conditions can change rapidly, and it’s always wise to check the local forecast before heading out.

Safety Tips

Due to the strenuous nature of this thrilling hike, physical preparation and suitable gear are essential. Wear sturdy hiking boots, and consider bringing hiking poles for added stability. Ensure you have plenty of water, high-energy snacks, and warm, waterproof clothing, as temperatures can drop significantly at higher elevations.

Bear encounters are possible in this area, so be bear aware: make noise while hiking, carry bear spray, and know how to use it. Always respect the wildlife and keep a safe distance.

The Harding Icefield Trail is not just a hike; it’s a journey through the awe-inspiring landscapes of Alaska’s wilderness. The raw beauty and tranquility of the icefield and its surroundings offer an incredible adventure for those who undertake this challenging, yet rewarding, expedition.

If you’d like more information on the Harding Icefield Trail, we’d recommend looking at the National Park Service’s website.

Preparing for the Adventure

To make the most of these experiences, you need to come prepared. What’s that? You don’t know where to start? Fear not, we’ve got you covered.

Essential Gear for Hiking

A successful hike begins with the right gear. Pack a durable backpack with a water bottle, high-energy snacks, map, compass, first-aid kit, multi-tool, headlamp, and appropriate clothing. And remember, your most crucial piece of equipment is a good pair of hiking boots.

Safety Tips

Remember that safety comes first. Always check the weather forecast, inform someone of your itinerary, stay on marked trails, and know your physical limits.


So there you have it, the five most thrilling US hikes to try before you die. Each hike is a testament to the diverse landscapes and unique challenges that await in the great American wilderness. Now it’s your turn to lace up those boots and create your own unforgettable hiking story.